It is relatively a quiet Sunday morning as I sit and prepare this post. At a distance, I can hear the laughter of some kids, some faint carpentry work noise, some birds chirping right outside my balcony and yes, it is cool and pleasant weather in Bangalore.
The main call of life is to get back to the track, for our soaring life to return. To return to growth and gain, pleasant moments, happiness and abundance all around.
So, with much sincerity and great faith in our potential, I offer the following …
1. Learn to forgive those who have hurt you. Everyone is doing the best they can, based on where they are on their human journey.
2. Stop holding on to that which doesn’t serve you. You can’t enter your full potential of a bright future held down by experiences, habits and beliefs that keep you chained in the past.
3. Doing creative work that fills you with joy is a gorgeous route to happiness. And don’t do it for the fame, fortune and applause it will bring you. Those never last. Do it for the stains it removes from your soul. And for the people who will be blessed by your genius.
4. Supreme health is true wealth
5. “ Prataha Smaranam ( morning remembrance) Make time each morning, to fuel your mind and fill your heart. Fill in your mind space with people who inspire you, think about them as you wake up
6. Keep a notepad. Write your joys, celebrate your wins, process through your pain and clarify your hopes on the crisp white pages that will record a life well-lived.
7. Spend some time alone each day in solitude; this deepens you. And the period before dawn is where wisdom is made. In my sessions, this technique is elaborated in great detail, and all who practice this have gained immensely.
8. Make the time to develop an excellent family life. Work on your relationship and intentionally create perfect moments with your children. Cherish your parents. Appreciate your friends.
9. Take creative walks and activities regularly. I enjoy walking, meditate, yoga, reading a great book, taking time to reconnect with someone. Many of my best ideas and most valuable insights have come while doing some of this.
10. Avoid toxic people. They cost you your joy, productivity—and peace of mind.
11. Consistency is the mother of mastery, and persistency is how you get to legendary.
12. Courtesy, enthusiasm and kindness are the traits of greatness. In our society today, many think these character values don’t matter – they do. Good manners and being punctual, optimism and positivity and compassion and decency will not only raise the spirits of all you meet, but they will also help you fall in love with yourself.
13. In hard times, grow. In glorious times, enjoy. Life is a series of seasons. No one gets only the spring.
14. Tread lightly on the earth. The planet is our home and the source of life. Respect our surroundings. It hurts my heart to see plastic thrown into pristine forest. It disappoints to walk on the road and see garbage strewn all around. It makes us unhappy when a motorist rolls down their window and throws trash or spit into a clean street. May we each honour the gifts Mother Earth has given us.
15. The fears you don’t face become your walls. Go to what makes you feel uncomfortable for there your next-level lives.
16. Even when people disappoint you and life hurts you, keep your heart open. This is how heroes roll.
17. Don’t postpone the mastery you can show, the goodness you can stand for and the love that you can deliver.
18. The best way to make your life much better is to make yourself much stronger.
19. The process is more important than the results. Results are bi-product of the process. In today’s world, most people are focused on results and forget the process. Take care of the process, and results will soon follow you.
20. Do your service, small or big for people around you, be steadfast in your practices and always keep company of the good.
Love and respect.
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